During this past spring, Korab Durmishaj started at Meconet AB. Bringing considerable experience and a broad network, Korab will primarily enhance Meconet’s deep drawing expertise. Additionally, this means that Meconet AB also now have another office in Ulricehamn.
Korab has lived his entire life in Ulricehamn and has worked in the thin sheet metal industry as a Tier1 supplier mainly to the automotive industry for 15 years in various roles. He initially worked in production and later moved on to managing key accounts. Korab has closely seen different stages of the production chain and has become an expert in the field through practical work.
Korab has extensive knowledge of various sheet metal forming methods from deep drawing to pressing, hydroforming, and press-hardening.
“Many know what deep drawing technology is, but few understand the advantages it can offer.”
– The years in the industry have taught me that many know what deep drawing technology is, but few understand the advantages it can offer. We don’t want to be just a manufacturer of sheet metal parts but a partner who can assist right from the early stages of product development and optimization, Korab says.
A responsible person for each area
With Korab’s arrival, Meconet AB now has local contacts in Sweden not only for deep drawing but also for springs, stamping & assembling. Korab is responsible for deep drawing. CEO Patrik Berglin is responsible for stamping and assembly areas, and Lars Johansson for the springs, including tailor made springs and standard spring program.
Korab has only been in the house for a couple of months but has liked what he has seen.
“I am very proud to be a part of Meconet.”
– I knew Meconet from years back from the spring side. Now that I have gotten to know the entire company’s capabilities, I am very impressed. Meconet is a company that constantly strives to be at the forefront of technology to provide the best possible solutions for their customers via their different technologies. I am very proud to be a part of Meconet,” says Korab.

Reduce Your Company's Carbon Footprint with Low-Carbon Steel
The Earth is warming at a dangerous pace impacting us all. Carbon dioxide emissions must be significantly and rapidly reduced. So we must act now. Meconet, along with its partner network, is now offering its customers the opportunity to impact their own CO2 emissions through the use of low-carbon steel.
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